Welcomed members and guests and congratulated those who had birthdays and anniversaries recently.
The club Christmas Party will be held on Thursday 19 December. Family, including children and grandchildren, are welcome. The cost is $30.00 per adult and $15.00 per child. Children will be served their Chicken and Chips first. Please use this link for additional family attending. Father Christmas will be coming. Please bring any presents you wish him to hand out – clearly name the presents.
More lies were told, and fines were handed out.
Geoff won the wine.
Part 2 of the AGM was held. Points on interest: Revenue was down slightly due to fewer meetings (fewer fines), and expenses are up as a result of the membership drive; however, the club is financially sound. The Trust gave donations of $33,000.00 in the past year, and the Science Fair has returned to making a surplus. The Trustees reconsidered their investments, and Reece Hart and Peter Prader were returned as Trustees.
Timaru, 7910
New Zealand