Our H2H is always a fun feature on our annual calendar, especially when watching the fancy dress turn-out. This year we counted 760 people of all ages crossing the finish line in a festival of colour. Combined with supporters, 1500-2000 people may have enjoyed the great morning out.
For the past three years we have deliberately coincided H2H with Children’s Day on Caroline Bay so children can continue their day with free amusement rides and other activities.
Members efforts, though still considerable, are made a little easier each year due to ongoing refinements. Thanks go to our charities, who also help-out, boosting volunteer numbers to ensure every street crossing is now manned – in return for a donation.
Our generous sponsors and supporters are also to be thanked for, promotions, sales, transport, street arrangements, funding and prizes
Read on for a full report…
Timaru North Rotary’s iconic H2H - Hadlow to Harbour Fun Run Jog was again held in early March this year. First held in 1971, this popular event attracts hundreds of young and old who run or walk the 10 km from Hadlow, just beyond the western edge of Timaru, through the city streets to finish on Caroline Bay, near the port of Timaru. For the youngest and oldest, or those less fit for whom 10 km seems too far, there is a shorter course of 3 km from the Countdown Supermarket in Church Street. H2H has always been a fun run, and a feature each year is the number of children – and adults - who run in fancy dress.
For the first time this year a club member has been at the finish line to record exactly who took part. Seven hundred and sixty people crossed the line. They comprised 159 men, 345 women, 119 boys and 137 girls. This included 27 infants in push chairs, 4 army personnel in uniform, and there were also 18 dogs which enjoyed their daily run on the H2H course. Combine these people with their supporters at the start, along the way, and on the bay, the H2H may well be reaching 1500-2000 people.
There are several water stations for participants along the route. One, manned by church volunteers outside St Mary’s Church, has a bowl of water for thirsty dogs. For the past three years H2H has coincided with Children’s Day on Caroline Bay, where volunteers offer free rides and activities for children. This combines well with our fun run, as many children continue on to this after taking part in H2H.
Local businesses donate prizes which three judges, the wives of Timaru North Rotarians, distribute to the best fancy dresses in various categories, and to others for their commendable efforts, such as the lady with one artificial leg who completed the course this year. All participants receive a certificate with their name, distance run and time as a record of their participation.
Hadlow to Harbour is organised by a team of Timaru North Rotary members whose efforts, though still considerable, have been progressively made a little easier each year due to arrangements being largely the same as for the previous, with some changes. Also generous sponsorship from local businesses enables the event to meet council requirements for hundreds of people to run safely through the city streets. For example Fulton Hogan takes care of street signs, markers and cones, and Ritchies Coachlines transports participants at no charge from Caroline Bay to the start at Hadlow. Other assistance is given by Timaru Herald, Port FM, Timaru Signs, Sport Canterbury, and Air Safaris, donor of our major prize, a flight voucher. This year the main seller of tickets for entry to H2H was the local sports shop, The Frontrunner.
Hadlow to Harbour had two cash sponsors this year: Port of Timaru and Holcim Cement, the latter being our main sponsor. Having this financial backing ensures the club can run the event profitably, with money left over for donation to local charities. We have been able to meet the expenses of H2H each year, over and above the cost of sponsored help, from entry fees, which are a reasonable $10 for adults and $4 for children. This has enabled the club to donate the sponsorship money it receives.
Over the past few years, as Health and Safety requirements have become more important with every street crossing having to be manned, the need for personnel has exceeded the club’s ability to supply from its own membership and their partners. This has led us to form a symbiotic relationship with the charities we support. Their members and supporters help for a few hours by standing at street corners to ensure the safety of participants as they cross. In return Timaru North Rotary is able to make a donation.
Proudly sponsored by:

and supported by:
Alpine Energy Ltd | Air Safaris | PortFM | Timaru Signs and Graphix | Sport South Canterbury | Ritchies Transport | McCains
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