President Rod:
Welcomed all Club Members and told us that he attended the Change Over meeting at the Timaru Rotary Club. Also, we received a letter of thanks from the Temuka / Geraldine Rotary Club for inviting them to the Circus Quercus evening show.
Club Secretary Harley:
Attended the Change Over meeting at the Temuka / Geraldine Club.
Bookarama Convener:
Dale said she is happy to take books that members may have collected already. Members can also contact Dale and arrange a time to drop a box of books or two into the container at Brosnahan’s Transport in Washdyke.
Bookarama Dates:
- 7th to 10th October for the Set-Up.
- Book sale is from 11th to 13th October.
Packing up Day is the 14th of October 2024
Dale asked members to keep these dates aside as many helpers are required.
David and Corporal Bill succeeded in collecting a Gold Coin from everybody. Newly sealed driveways and issues about shifting containers were all good enough for a fine.
Drawn by Dale, and with ticket 21, Bill was the winner.
3-Minute Speaker:
Adrian Grey talked to us about the cost of shipping, which people often forget or do not think about. Before a container gets loaded onto or unloaded from a ship, it must arrive at the port from somewhere. For transport to the port, the container has to be loaded, the goods inside have to be insured and may be fumigated, and if the container stays too long at the wharf, the port will charge more. For imported goods, the GST has to be paid, customs duties are charged, and an inspection by MPI is required depending on the imported goods. Customs agents routinely look for drugs and other unwanted stuff. All in all, many costs are incurred apart from the actual sea freight, and Adrian pointed out that this is one reason why goods cost a lot in New Zealand.
Guest Speaker - Reese Hart:
Reese talked about the Cook Strait Ferry Service.
Reese reminded us of the days when the Inter-Island Ferry travelled from Littleton to Wellington overnight; this changed later to the now-used route of Picton / Wellington. This shipping service was troubled over many years, from Seamen’s Strikes to the Wahine Disaster in 1968 and, more recently, a ship with 800 passengers adrift in the Cook Strait to the recent grounding in Queen Charlotte Sound. Kiwi Rail runs the shipping service, but are they the logical operators? Maintenance on the ferries was done at a minimum and is most likely the cause of mishaps and cancellations. Kiwi Rail ordered new and bigger ships capable of carrying trains, but in today’s transport industry, trains are not a priority. It also became clear that the existing wharfs in Picton and Wellington are not up to scratch for bigger ships, and the route via Queen Charlotte Sound may be too risky, so the bigger ships might have to use a different and longer route.
Bluebridge runs the other Shipping Service between Wellington and Picton as a private enterprise, a business that was started several years ago, and they proved that a reliable service is possible. To finish, Reese asked, who is going to improve the Inter-Island Ferry Service? Most likely, it is a private enterprise.
Thanks and quick quiz
President Rod thanked Reese and all who participated in the evening and then handed out a Quiz Question sheet to each table for extra entertainment! 9 correct answers out of 12 Questions was the top score.
Rod reminded members that our Club Birthday is coming up in early October, and after thanking tonight’s Speaker, Reese closed the meeting with a good story.